Monday, December 30, 2013

In Our Image: After out likeness (10hr CD set) Audio Drama for sale in Little Rock, AR (2K512M) :

In Our Image: After out likeness (10hr CD set) Audio Drama for sale in Little Rock, AR (2K512M) :

Shipping for the "in our image" saga begins This January 2014. It takes on many area of life, having a dual start of the story, before earth and preppers of the last days America. When the beginning mates with the end, all heck will breaks loose. In the mean time we tackle many of the mysteries of life; Answering questions like why you were born. What are demons, UFOs and other paranormal events? We bring forth in an entertaining fashion, the results of love and hate, stories of the bible and some that you have faced. All this in 8 volumes on CD; about 10 hours that you can take with you on long and short journeys or listen to at home. Marveling and laughing at sound effects of the most evil and powerful beings in the universe as brought forth by the POB Production team. Come check it out!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


We heard those words from Hillary Clinton as it related to Benghazi. Even in politics you can be caught up into a culture where truth does not matter as long as you thing you mean well. I am sure the people that died would not feel that way. However, that is not what this article is about. It is about Christmas. Is it true that if you are in a culture who celebrates a lie, it does not matter as long as you mean well? After all a culture war is going on and you want to win it right? As long as we mean well and put the name of Jesus on Christmas; make sure we keep says that he is the reason for the season, no big deal right? Only if it can be demonstrated that the penalties of ancient Israel who kept these same celebration is now Okayed by the one who died for it.

Friday, December 20, 2013


I imagine that most people have heard what Phil Robertson said about blacks in the south when he was much younger. A lot of people assume that he was either stupid or some secret racist. But upon hearing this I immediately remember something that I think will surprise you and much as it did me by an older gentleman.

Friday, December 6, 2013


Mandela: are we really looking through jaundiced eyes?

I really did not plan on saying a thing about Mandela. What I did not
know was there are still some very strong feelings about the man both good and bad. It is kind of sad that many s...till feel the emotions of the 80s. The people in South Africa, black and white feel different from what they did back then. They no longer have the fears that they had at that time. They came together, the cause of which was Mandela.
See More

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


People have wondered over the centuries about the mark of the beast. How it could be implemented. The truth be told there are only a few things needed to give you an overall understanding of how this will work. (1) Who is the beast?  The beast is the 7- headed monstrosity representing 7 revivals of the Roman Empire. There has been 6 revivals already; the last being the Hitler-Mussolini revival. (A). Woman riding the beast and directing it is the Apostate Church. (B) The leader is called the False Prophet. That union has done much evil in the past and is the prime motivation of the USA’s Separation of Church and State. (2) Understand that this beast has always had a mark and it was forcing via persecuting God’s people to break God’s commandments through LAWS. Remember Hobby Lobby and Chick Fil-A?  These are as it were NOTHING compared to what can happen if technology like chips, NSA style complete surveillances, GPS and other methods to identify, track and control the ability of the individual to interplay into the market place. (3) REMEMBER it is the false prophet that gets the world to support world government. We are seeing extraordinary things happening in our country with Obama socialist methods. Now the Pope has come out with a platform that must have Pesident Obama salivating. It would appear that if the world will ever get the USA, which has been in the way, to support what it has clamored for, now is the time. What many want is a united world wide top down, equality bringing Socialist system. One that will look like the City of God to the Pope and an near utopia to Obama. No one will tell you that these things have been tried in the past. They started with what might have been good intentions and ended in real tryanny!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


My poem of Thanksgiving, that may express some of the feelings that many or the pilgrims might have had during that time of pain, then joy.

Thursday, November 21, 2013


It is a strange thing that a, quote, “high” education does not make many understand freedom and liberty and better than a wise person that did not make it out of high school.  My father’s generation for sure, would meet this criterion. They would tell you quickly, you don’t want to be under “King Law.” It is almost as if the more modern we get the less we have common sense. Government and the way a man or woman acts with it’s power does not change. They are always trying to get as much of it as possible. Absolute Power is always a nuclear option. Let’s take a quick glance at this

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Government entitlements are more like vampires. Before they die they will just suck the blood out of others. Republicans should offer the alternative of personal health accounts and removal of all the regulations of Obamacare, except those popular things that could have been added on a couple pages of legislation. The democrats will have to deal or burn.  Republicans must avoid a trap that is being set as I speak. Obamacare CANNOT be fixed. Only Democrats can be fixed for another election.


Government entitlements are more like vampires. Before they die they will just suck the blood out of others. Republicans should offer the alternative of personal health accounts and removal of all the regulations of Obamacare, except those popular things that could have been added on a couple pages of legislation. The democrats will have to deal or burn.  Republicans must avoid a trap that is being set as I speak. Obamacare CANNOT be fixed. Only Democrats can be fixed for another election.

Sunday, November 3, 2013


What if you knew exactly what will happen to the USA as concerning war and that it was not a good thing.  Many years ago looking through some things that has been published about the history of the United States, I was surprised how closely a so-called prophecy by George Washington, not only matched history but also a future conflict, which as explained did not conflict with what I knew from Bible prophecy. Well what if you knew the future, what would you as a patriotic American do? Check out this Library of Congress recorded prophecy and short article and maybe rethink some things you thought should have been settled in you mind.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Prayer is not a magic spell to get our way. If we are doing the opposite of what our earthly parents told us to do about a matter, we don’t expect to be rewarded by just begging, while still doing what we were told not to. We are doing a lot of praying but very little repenting of what God told us not to do. And when we are told, we just don’t think it is that serious. Well we must not, because few are making changes. I have to admit though; we are at a time that more people than in the past are interested.  Let’s look at some facts and see if we can be of help in spreading what we need to repent of, so that God will heal out land.

Friday, October 18, 2013


Remember when Obama criticized the Constitution of the United States; how he explained that the problem is that the Constitution explains what cannot be done against the American people but does not tell what the government can do to or for the people? Well, that is an example of what Obamacare represents.. Never mind if it has to be forced down your throat, like oatmeal to a 6 year old child, it is good for you, he says. Unfortunately for a Catholic institution like Mt. Saint Mary’s in Little Rock Arkansas, more of his forced good will may eventually cause them and other Christians much persecution. You See, Mt. Saint Mary’s just fired a long time gay who openly got married. Here come the law suits from across the country to control what Christians are allowed to do.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Astrology: A religion of many

Ever tried to look at the constellations? I mean did you actually go outside or in a planetarium and try to see the Virgin in Virgo or the Lion in Leo? If you did you will find that they are not there. This ...means that someone did something very extraordinary. A series of invisible MENTAL pictures were intentionally assigned to certain stars that are seen daily, month after month each year. Now get this; those names mean the same in every region of the world in the different languages. Now the Bible says that God named every star and that they were also placed in heaven along with the son, moon and planets to be for signs and seasons as well as days and years. Once you know the story in the stars and not the false pagan Zodiac religion, you will be amazed. It could also help you understand certain scriptures that you only thought you fully understood.

Monday, October 14, 2013


Why does tyranny often start off calling for change? Linen did it before enslaving Russia to Socialism that lasted 70 years. Hitler called for change. Castro actually called for Hope and Change. Each time, one of the first things they did was seek to get government control of a national health care system as THE FOUNDATION. This is the process that Obama is in the midst of doing, with the intent as Harry Reid admitted of ending up with a totally Socialized system. None of the people in the pass who thought they would end you reaping the labor of others understood the end result of their support. So When Dr Ben Carson who has correctly stated, that what Obama has started is legislation that could cause a tyranny worse than anything since slavery, people freaked out. Yet the last thing this country needed was another person setting a precedent that could place both those whose ancestors were once slaves and those who were not into unseen but a more complete enslavement. Come see what I mean.

Saturday, October 12, 2013


If I offered to buy my daughter a house and she refused to take the $150,000 because I would not also buy her a Mercedes, who would have turned down the money? Like wise If the People of America gave me control funding of government constitutionally; which means to fund what I think is good for them and not fund what I don’t think is good for them, no matter the law. Now if I send 13 checks, equaling to over 2 trillion dollars, up to the Senate and President who are cooperating Democrats;  Now if it pays for all government except the President’s Mercedes, which the people hate and he refuses to sign the checks, who is refusing to spend the money on all other government?

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


And this is eternal life that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” (John 17:3)
Seeing that Statement of Jesus above, if you made it your job to keep man from eternal life, what would be your plan? Well if you thought logically, it would be the same as Satan’s was and is. He introduced something that once you believe it, you have to look at God in a way that HE IS NOT. Your mind will literally create an image of a god totally different from what you would normally think as good in a person. This is the doctrine of the immortal soul. If it is immortal, where did it come from? Did God make it? If so could he UN-MAKE IT?  Does he have no other choice but to torture it? If he does why would he do it? Is it possible that just as Scripture says, Satan has deceived the whole world? And that a large portion of the church has turned to fables; and now the way of truth is evil spoke of?. Scripture says that exact thing would happen but we all think it happens to someone else. Come look at this a little deeper. There are easy answers that allow all the scriptures to fit like puzzle pieces.

Monday, October 7, 2013


Here are 13 rules for radicals taken from page 126 to 129 of Saul Alinksy's book by the same name. Get aquainted with them because this Obama Administration is using them every day.

Friday, October 4, 2013


Are you one of those people who think the government shutdown is a typical shutdown?  If you are, you may be surprised. What’s happening is nothing else other than the push awaited by progressive socialists for 100 years. This is it; a win here and they hav what they have been waiting on. This is what Republicans don’t understand. No one wants to negotiate with them. They want to flip the country on its head; to radically transform what this country stands for. In fact there are two things that if the republicans do, they CANNOT lose. Come see what they are.

Monday, September 30, 2013


Wow! Is Yeshua (Jesus) God?  Believe it or not there are creeds and theories that no one can really understand. They think they do until you ask them a question. Then the answers will be something worst or like; well God can do anything. I guess that means he can be anything too. Why not allow God to tell us? What he says is not popular But has never caused millions of people have been killed over the centuries for not believing it either. God has no problem telling you WHAT MAY BE KNOWN OF GOD. It appears that people have a problem believing him. He has given the ONLY way go get a concept in your mind about God. What he is. How he is and what he looks like. Let’s look at some of what he has said.

Friday, September 27, 2013


Part 2  begins the explanation of What the Feast of Tabernacles is all about. If you are one of those who believe that this Feast of YHVH was meant for the jews only, you will have a hard times explaining why the Bible says Yeshua (Jesus) will cause the whole world to keep this feast each year, when he comes back. He will cause it not to RAIN upon any nation that refuses until they comply... Come and see.

Thursday, September 26, 2013


A lot of times we treat what God says he is doing as though it is all about us. Yeshua (Jesus) The Messiah comes back, takes us all to heaven and we live in bliss forever, where ever he will be. We often forget that He must come back to earth Rule the world and we with him. The People left as MORTALS on earth must have a sufficient opportunity to learn during his reign, when the wolf will dwell with the lamb and nations will beat their swords into plowshares and forget war. Then there are ALL the people who lived before and after the flood, many which will be raised from the dead after the 1,000 year reign and they MUST have their opportunity. I had to learn that the simple be good go to heaven and be bad go to hell, EVERYBODY; and he will come back and explain what you did, does not FIT scripture. A lot of misunderstanding is because MEN have gotten away from God’s shadow pictures that painted and outline of what God is doing and in what order. Since this is the time of Tabernacles, I thought it good to do a couple things write about this outline of all history and also show the uniqueness of the Bible. There is nothing like it. Come and see.

Sunday, September 15, 2013


For those that like to get the word of God exactly as God intended, here is another set of information  that is sure to get you all stirred up, hopefully all for good. I have found that once the word of God is understood correctly, there is no logical argument against what you say. I once say a minister who belonged to a certain denomination that said they were saved sanctified and never din anything wrong. The even point out a scripture that actually said that he that is in Christ do not commit sin. I saw another person read two passages: That minister’s favorite passage about how anyone in Christ do not commit sin; and the other that said that if any man says he has no sin, he is a liar and the truth is not in him. Then he asked the question, which one of those Scriptures is true? The other person almost freaked out In a good way. How could that be they asked? Well both passages are really true. It is ONLY when your understanding allows all scripture to be true that you have a complete understanding of something. Then you can also explain it logically. That said. Let’s look the disagreement about what the old and new covenants really is all about. Did Paul say the law was done away? Did Jesus? Does the New covenant allow you to sin more than people use to under the old covenant? This could also save some soul from the last day’s deception.

Sunday, September 8, 2013


A lack of knowledge permeates all of US society these days when it comes to understanding why the founders made such reasoned statements in the Declaration of Independence; which gave the prerequisite for the stanza i...n the Constitution. Most all of the kids, Republican or democrat, could see only through one jaundiced lens. These were relatively smart kids but they lacked the insight onto something the early colonists and earlier generations could see.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Ironically, the people who have taken up the Banner of a Republican civil Right leader, Martin Luther King; are promoting the opposite of what he believed. Now they will hold on to oppression to get gain, just like all the other oppressors in history.  At the root of all evil you will find those that stand to gain from it. Listen: no one can gain nationally today by being racist, so the ones that say someone is (promoting racism) out to destroy themselves, seek to gain the upper hand by saying it. That is where you will find the evil. They have changed a glorious vision in to a very bad nightmare!

Thursday, August 22, 2013


R=N=S, is The E=MC2 of Freedom, presented to us by the Founding Fathers. It is as simple as what Einstein found in science and in every mental exercise that I have thought of works to control government and lessen the likelihood of tyranny.... It removes unnecessary reasons for conflict politicians wedge between political groups, giving a way for all to agree more closely, even about, fundamental things. Come and see what it is and why it works.

Sunday, August 18, 2013


So yor brother, sister, wife or friend breaks the law. You go to the judge and say, I want to take the penalty. I will serve the sentence. I will take the death penalty for him or her. Of course the Judge will have some one come get you because no matter how decent you are, we generally believe that if you do the crime, you do the time and nothing else would be just. You might find it interesting that this is a conept that is expressd in the Bible; in fact it says every man will die for his own sin. So as a Jew, who knew the law asked me, How did Christ die for the sins of man without breaking God's law? You might find his article enligtening and different. Let's see.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

What is man: Or better yet, what is a true Christian?

The Bible says that man is but Flesh that will one day die. However he does promise and opportunity for man to gain eternal life. In fact God gives some clues of what a super being he has called men to become. This is at the heart of what it is all about being a Christian. We speak a lot about dos and don'ts, let's take a step back, look at the whole picture and see in summary fashion; what is so universally eternally important about it all.

Sunday, August 4, 2013


Republicans are more like to stress the Bible and God as the basis for all human rights than are democrats. This can be readily emphasized by recalling how the Democrats dealt with the concept of God being left in their platform, last Democrat convention. Yet and still, where was this attitude when it came to race relations in the history of the Republican Party? We will deal with that by giving a short summary below, while answering some questions that are related to what is presented.

Friday, July 26, 2013

#IN_OUR_IMAGE: After our likeness

We are weeks away from finishing volume one of our “In our image” audio drama. It has been more than a couple years in research and Production. We have had various pauses as we talked to some Hollywood folk and are determined to have accuracy in doctrine and still entertaining story of why man exist. We have counted on responses from the readers to let us know just how we are doing. Read our article; go to the links and comments are always listened to.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

“#THE CONJURING” An Opinion Preview


If you think you never heard of the work of #demonologists #Ed and #Lorraine #Warren, you are mistaken. Wither or not you follow anything having to do with the paranormal, you have heard something having to do with the hundreds of cases that they have been involved in. Wither you like horror and being frightened or would just like to know more about demons and what they do; this one time Hollywood may have done the right thing and follow the actual outline of what happened is one of the most horrifying cases of demon activity in this country’s history.

Sunday, July 14, 2013


If most folk are like me the earlier the #marriage #supper of the #lamb is the better. If he decided to do it tomorrow over your house I would be excited to attend. However our adversary the devil is walking about trying to find those weak enough to use as he wishes. Inasmuch as many have tried to use the wedding of Christ to make a pre #tribulation #rapture seem possible; and I have said that one of the greatest deceptions would be to get people to believe that they MUST BE IN HEAVEN when the #Antichrist rules. That way as long as they are on earth and believe that doctrine, they blind themselves from seeing antichrist. Let’s look at what Jesus said about the wedding. Remember contrary to popular opinion, Jesus did not tell parables to help people understand, but so he could hide the true meaning to all except those that honestly searched the scriptures.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I'm Dreaming Of A White President

"Why I wouldn't touch that with a 10 foot pole." ..."Child he must some self hating Black."... Truth Is Obama has put thoughts of George Washington and Ronald Reagan in the minds of most all #Conservatives and Constitutionalists. Go ahead, sing it...

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Biblically Predicted Tyranny and Edward Snowden

Listening to the NSA hearing is a little bit like watching Al Capone explain why what people accused him of cannot be true because the law is very strict and does not allow anyone to legally do what people accused him of. So far from what I have seen as I write this, THAT IS NOT THE POINT! The problem is "Mr. Capone" you cannot be trusted to KEEP THE LAW.  I discuss other things to be concerned about in this matter; in this article and the way to REALLY do something to add to the protection of our rights.

Monday, June 10, 2013


This Part 2 of the article that explains to the Homosexual, the liar, pedophile etc. Why this scripture: "For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace." IS ONE OF POWER and not what many typically understand. It is not saying that now you re free to do everything for which Christ had to die to PAY YOUR PENALTY for sin... But rather refers to the freedom you are allowed following God's Spirit (by which he created the world) in OVERCOMING all evil. How could it be that you ONLY have a form of Godliness but DENY the POWER to perform? If that is you, learn the truth that you may be free and have the power to do all God commands; along with the joy and peace (in your heart) that surpasses all understanding. People who obtains this, want it above all else because nothing else compares.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


What's happening with the IRS is being found to happening in the other agencies Of Government. Watch out for the EPA scandal. When there is a funadmental flaw at the very top of leadership, it tends to be seen everywhere under that leader. BUT IN THIS CASE, it could mean that it is INTENTIONAL and at the core of an active corrupting of America. It could also be a diagram of the legs and arms of the tyranny yet to come. Come and see.

Saturday, June 1, 2013


An Amazing end times deception
Consider what would be one of SATAN the DEVIL’S greatest deceptions. Jesus said, “Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.”  He also used these words, “Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.” For as the lightening cometh out of the east, and shines even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” (Matthew 24: 23, 25, 26 and 27.
"Look, he is coming with the clouds," and "every eye will see him, even those who pierced him" (Revelation 1:7)
It is pretty clear that Jesus wanted to dispel the Idea of any kind of secret coming, yet they try to get around that by saying that Yeshua (Jesus) only mean’s this of the 3rd coming, not his second. Wow! This is done so that ministers and prophets can SNEEK Christ in to take away Christians before the 7th trumpet and before the great tribulation. Then Jesus’ words are effectively meaningless. But what really will have happened to those that buy into this and millions have is a GRAND deception of SATAN…because if scripture says that you will go through the tribulation and you are taught and believe that the church must be in heaven; as long as you believe that, YOU CANNOT KNOW THE TRUTH! Meaning that you will misinterpret the then worldwide events; participating in matters that you don’t understand. Even to the point of helping the governments to persecute others that do understand. (Read all of Matthew 24) nothing the order of events.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Congrats! Your article's been published. |

Scripture let us know that no declaration of the scripture is of any Private interpretation. So why do so many people think they have the right to have their own belief? That is for govenment such as in the US, so that people can be free to find the truth and not have a doctrine forced upon them. But when it comes to scripture there is only one true understanding. Not two.  not 3 or more. Did you know that the Bible instruct us in how it should be considered and searched for the true meaning of its statements? Well it does and it is DELIBERATELY written so only certain type searchers can find the truth. Unlike what people generally think, Yeshua (Jesus) said that he spoke in parables so that some would not understand. The truth is that everyone who studies the Bible the WAY IT SAYS it sould be considered and studied, will all come to the SAME BASIC understanding, even if they have NEVER MET each other. Written in the article below are 7 principles and an example of how this works.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Congrats! Your article's been published. |

I told a friend that I would post some information this weekend as to why I also logically believe in the God of the Bible. I thought I would do something very short but ended up  summarizing a number of things that would help my agnostic friend understand a littel beter how I got where I am. It may be interesting, useful or even helpful to someone else, therefore I decided to publish it. Feel fee to comment.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Congrats! Your article's been published. |

Well by now everyone have heard the verdict in the Gosnell trial. I have heard reporters say that he sat in court smiling and seemingly jovial. He apparently like Jodi Arias just didn't think he would be convicted. But he had good reason because  it is my understanding that the State refused for 20 years to inspect his clinic. Like Jodi, he blew it (No Pun Intended). The worse he might get is 3 life times to think about it. At best he will be worm food as soon as possible.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Jodi Arias, the Bible and the Death Penalty

In spite of the fact that much of American Law is based upon the 10 commanments and or come from men and women who were influenced by it; fewer people today know what the Bibe says about the death penalty. Then there is that seemingly ever growing group who out of their own hearts, think they have a better idea of what is moral. I won't worry about that last group here, but I think many might find it interesting to see exactly what the Bible actually says about it.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sound Doctrine Christian Ministries 05/05 by FreedomizerRadio | Blog Talk Radio

Come join us, CALL IN: ask questions, even get some answers that you may rarely hear else where. Listen to some good music we prepare for these LAST DAYS!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

YHVH’s Judgment About Marriage: Think He Needs Reeducation?

A strange phenomnon is taking place in the land. Renorming and reeducation is taking plce in our children's classrooms, through goverment, in the military services as well as every means of cultural change. It is enough to make one consider th fact that wither by hook or crook our society is becoming Non Biblical. You can COME OUT and be praised for almost anything that historically would have been cosidered against God. The sin in the MINDS of many is to be a traditionalist Bible believer. Now marriage, they say is all about LOVE.  They say God is all about love. Everything else is trivial. God is love. Jesus died for us. Nothing else matters so we are all good with God, gay , straight, whatever. No wonder the Bible mentioned that the last days deception would the the trickiest. It would have you think God has taken a reeducation class.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Why God Allows Evil, Pain and Suffering part 2

Tragic happenings like the murders at the Boston Marathon, where even young children and innocent people are killed often make people ask, WHERE IS GOD? We hear and see it written fairly often. Some folk even go so far as to assume that the fact that God seemingly doing nothing in an awful situation like this, is just another proof that he does not exist. Think again not from the emotional point of view of a being that lives about 70 or 80 years and think that is of utmost importance. God indeed has taken all these things into consideration and unlike us has made provisions for it. There is a method to what often looks like madness to fleshy short lived human beings.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


The doctrine of a "secret rapture" is one of the most popular stories being told. You can see it all on TV and in the movies. Never mind that Christ warned that you should not allow deceivers to fool you about some secret type coming. He indicated that his coming will be like the sun, every eye wuld see him. Let's take a different type look at this again. It is JUST THAT IMPORTANT; because you see if it is indeed wrong, as long as you believe it ou CANNOT recognise the beast and false prophet. Why? Because you have been told that you will not be here when that happens. So what I did was to see if we could be deceived if we use an analogy of an EMPLOYER who gave his workers all the warnings Jesus gave his deciples. You might find this exercise interesting and enlightening.

Monday, April 15, 2013


Friends, take time and logically contemplate the questios asked about the idea of an immortal soul which most think is real and taught by the Bible. In fact somewhere around 85 to 90% of the word believe some version of this.  Answer the questions logically and honestly. Some of you will find that the whole concept changes everything in a way you may never have considered. I look forwardt hearing your thoughts.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Astrology: A religion of many

It is amazing hw many people still treat Astrology as though i is a real and accurate way to direct their lives. They literally think nothing about it. At leat I don't hear too many people being asked the 1970s and 80s question, "What's your sign?" Is it possible that people love to follow and obey this ancient religion for the same reasons they did in old times; when God, then as now CONDEMNED IT? It's time you know; don't you think?

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


In Matthew 24, Jesus who is the REL REVELATOR, give the order of events of the Book of Revelations and the Prophets. His Putting ALL prophecy in one Grand sequence of events, Makes IMPOSSIBLE the interpretations on many would be prophets of today. Come and see.

Friday, April 5, 2013


I had only heard a little of the Bible thumper episode between Laura Ingraham and Bill O'Reilly. I have to agree with O'Reilly's Critics. He was belligerent and arrogant. Sometimes I like that in O'Reilly. This time I see him potentially doing a lot more harm than good. Laura came across as one trying to find a peaceful way to stop a raging bull. Getting to host Bill''s Show may have been enough to make her think twice. On the other hand she is his friend. Yet the Big "O" got it almost all wrong. People who believe the Bible know that thumper word is a tad bit like the "N" word used against blacks. It means NOTHING GOOD. Secondly, Bill Simply doesn't understand why the Bible miust be mentioned. Thanks Dr. Ben Carson for not being afraid to do so.  Then, unbeknownst to Bill we also have the logical argument, hands down. I hope he reads my article.


BIBLE THUMPER: I had only heard a little of the Bible thumper episode between Laura Ingraham and Bill O'Reilly. I have to agree with O'Reilly's Critics. He was belligerent and arrogant. Sometimes I like that in O'Reilly. This time I see him potentially doing a lot more harm than good. Laura came across as one trying to find a peaceful way to stop a raging bull. Getting to host Bill''s Show may have been enough to make her think twice. On the other hand she is his friend. Yet the Big "O" got it almost all wrong. People who believe the Bible know that thumper word is a tad bit like the "N" word used against blacks. It means NOTHING GOOD. Secondly, Bill Simply doesn't understand why the Bible miust be mentioned. Thanks Dr. Ben Carson for not being afraid to do so.  Then, unbeknownst to Bill we also have the logical argument, hands down. I hope he reads my article.

Immoralities and the New Health Care Law pt 4

Now most people should know by now that in President Obama’s own words, he prefers a single payer system and that the law passed is a great foundation for the same. It puts the control of the healthcare market into the hands of the Federal Government. In the law it says more than 2000 times that the Secretary of health shall do this or that.

It seeks to control what doctors get paid, what insurance Companies get paid, who gets healthcare and under what restrictions. In fact under the new law the insurance Companies have become agents of the Federal Government. This places the Federal Government into a position to kill the insurance companies over the years. This is exactly what the President was caught saying in a video in the past.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


It seems that we are living at a time that many have forgotten that tyrrany can come from a secular source or a religious source. Despots don't care. In fact they have mixed the two together or had them cooperate as much as possible to control people in every way imaginable. If you know nothing about this, try reading Foxe's Book of Martyrs. In colonial times, this used to be the second most read book. In it is found an abject real history lesson of the dangers of putting humans in charge of a Church / state combine. So how far should North carolina and other states go to protect religious freedom? Lets talk about it.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Supreme Court, Gay Marriage and Secular Humanism

There is an argument concerning same sex marriage that, I guess, no one dares to make in front of the Supreme Court of these United States. It is logical and bring into the debate concerns that we all should address for the sake of freedom. It also shows a way that this could be done that might satisify some who makes claims of same sex couples that many believe makes some sense. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Ignorance of Modern so-called Liberal Christianity pt 3

when you hear these people trying to use Jesus to promote their socialized agenda, realize that they are either actually ignorant of the facts at best or sneakily trying to perpetrate a fraud with God’s Word at worst.

The best method to cause men to produce for the good of all and therefore the most just and fair way to influence any market (Think also healthcare) is to make sure men can end up reaping what they sow. they must be able to feel the effects of their choices. Then when individuals give to them, there is an appreciation and not a thought on their parts that it is owed them (Think Greece).

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


If you are a white conservative, what do you think when you see a black conservative being designated as an Uncle Tom? Do you  stay your distance, particularly if you are a politician? What if you are black and is called and Uncle Tom? How do you react?  What if you are a politician? Well, maybe this article will cause you to look at it all is a whole different way. What if you found out that the whole Uncle Tom thing has been flipped onver on it's head and in fact Tom was the good guy? What if the whole dynamics surrounding Uncle Tom is still at work today? Lots of questions but a really short article.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Gay Rights and the Aftermath of the Family Research council Heroics

He Ordered Chaplains to perform Gay marriages and reportedly ordered attendance at an annual type of gay pride day. Words mean things. Be it in law most importantly or just a declaration. Law and or the anticipation of a law that would empower some one often provoke actions of some types.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Psychology bondage in AR and God’s word (part 1)

We talk about the salvation of Christ, yet the majority of people in our country seems to end up before some psychologist or Psychiatrist at some point in their lives. Bondages of all types need to be lessened, eased, removed or dealt with in a way to allows a person to become productive. Some people remain a rape victim in a form of bondage all their lives. So do people with various addictions or those who have been involved in some sort of taboos that society would crucify you about if they knew. Maybe you were a victim of incest or maybe you were the perpertrator; whatever the bondage there is a way to not just relieve but to ELIMINATE, Guilt , shame, lack of control and a bad concious. No Psychiatrist can do this. Come and learn how it is done.

Psychology bondage in AR and God’s word (part 1)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Astrology: A religion of many

Some years ago it was reported that an astrologer for a major newspaper published a previous year’s astrological report each week or daily, however they did it, for their readers. It was reported that ONLY ONE reader noticed that it was a previous year’s predictions and advice, verbatim. They are all written like the 50% weather forecast, so that at some point they will be right and the people will not think of the times that could be called wrong, just the times that it can be interpreted as correct. Kind of Like a LOTTERY. You remember each hit but not the misses.

Easter or Passover, The Truth About it

That outline of history by Daniel and John showed that there would be only 4 Kingdoms that would occupy the general area of the Roman Empire, which would encompass the general area of all 4. Theses were: 1. Babylon, Media – Persia, Greece and Rome. That last one Rome, according to John the Apostle in Revelation, would fall and be revived 7 times. All of this except the 7th revival has happened in history.
Daniel also said that during the time of the 4th kingdom a religious entity; a little horn that would be different from all other kingdoms would arise. It will speak very great things. Change the laws of God and his Moedeem (change feast days). He would also issue inquisition against God’s people. Both the little horn and the 4th kingdom that rises and falls will last until Jesus comes. Folks, there is no psychic, seer or any other religion that has outlines such a clear picture of all the history of man. Now let’s check out those changes in Feast days. We will see who did it, why it is important and how this truth removes the scales from the eyes of those honestly seeking what this real world is all about. It will open up the clear understanding of what will happen soon.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Arkansas Passes Human heartbeat Protection Act; 12 week abortion restriction.

Have you every heard of the oft spoken about human personhood admendment? Or maybe chance or research have you know about the potential under the 14th Amendment to quickly settle the abortion argument by the US Congress simply passing a law stating when personhood begins in pregnancy. These potentials make the Arkansas Law and any individual which it protects, a supreme persona non grata.
Arkansas Passes Human heartbeat Protection Act; 12 week abortion restriction.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Why even at a glance the Quran is not comparable to the Bible pt 3

According to John the first chapter, Jesus was the one God used to create the World and all there is in heaven and earth. Thus that makes him God. Not the Father, but God nevertheless. To add a little detail for someone who thinks I have gone off the deep end. God created all living things to reproduce after its own kind. The Son of a Cow is just as much a Cow as his father. The son of a chicken is just as much a chicken as his father. The Son of a man is just as much a man and his father. God did this as an example of his plan. So the Son of God is just as much God as his Father. He is just not the one ultimately in charge, no more than is a human son is over his father, while in his Father house hold.
Why even at a glance the Quran is not comparable to the Bible pt 3

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Is it New Covenant or a Renewed Covenant? pt 3

so there is no misunderstanding, it is written that the just shall live by faith. This way of faith came long before the giving of the law at the hands of Moses, but if one reads the bible you can find all the 10 commandments were in existence before they were codified by Moses. If you doubt it, check for yourself, it is not necessary here for the purpose of this article. The point is that God’s ways and requirements have always been the same, before and after the giving of the law on Sinai.

Conservatives: Right about Fairness, need guts to do right

Obama has apparently convinced most people willing to vote that he knows more about fairness than God. Really! God in scripture is pictured as being loving to all and yet when he applies a tax called a tithe (or tenth) which he says all should pay wither they are poor or rich, that was fair. Therein is the rub. If you told two people to measure the length of a fence in feet you better have told them exactly how long a foot is. Better yet, give them the same instrument by which to measure things or they will say it is whatever length they choose

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Is Modern Science the Logical way to look at the world? (part 1 of 2)

I find the brainwashing, even among some educated Americans, simply astonishing. Especially when I see many professing Christians who should have learned to prove all things by logic and correct information, buy into the Idea that Macro Evolution is fact.

I majored in Physics in college. I found it easy to defeat my professors concerning Design and evolutionary questions.

There are two dirty little secrets that most have had brainwashed into them over the years,erroneously. Here are those dirty secrets:

Friday, February 22, 2013


Every Generation people called prophets, seers, psychics and mystics of all kinds often try to makes the prophecies of God fit their own generation in time. When Jesus disciples asked him about the timing of the eventual future of Israel, he told them that it was not for them to understand yet. And while they thought it might happen in their day, they made it known that there had to happen certain events such as the falling away of the Church and its turning to fables instead of the truth. It would go so far, they explained, that some personage would end up setting himself up as above all Gods and setting in the temple of God, which it would seem must be rebuilt. Of course the Church is the antitype of the Temple, being called the temple of God and Christ. Yet few know that as the revealed prophesy of DANIEL and REVELATIONS have become clear as promised in these end times, it is becoming inescapable not to notice how no man could have thought them up. They fit an unpredictable history perfectly. Come see why!


Wednesday, February 13, 2013


7 Keys to understanding the Bible

As a kid growing up I noticed that a lot of very nice people believed so many different things that they thought the Bible said that it made me wonder why. Here is an example: "Before the end of days, you won't be able to tell the summer from the winter except by the budding of the rees.".... Well that is NO WHERE in scrpture. It is just tradition in the Black community. Then there are those that go around fnding obscure passages that they use to say the Bible says something they like. But there is a way to get it right just about every time. I discuss these Biblically revealed ways in the article below.


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

DR. BEN CARSON, the Bible and Godly solutions

I find it kind of strange that a conservative such as Cal Thomas is so caught up in what happens usually that he and others cannot see the the Prayer Breakfast was EXACTLY the place for Dr. Ben Carson to speak about Biblical principles and how they will work for the Nation. Do they think a Prayer Breakfast should be just a photo opportunity by people using the name of God in vain?
DR. BEN CARSON, the Bible and Godly solutions

Monday, February 11, 2013

Pope Benedict XVI resigns: Malachy’s Peter the Roman next?

Ever Heard of St Malachy's Prophecy? Will the next pope be the last as his prophecy says; One called "Peter the Roman?" Do you know how many of his pridictions that seems to have come true? This article might just interest you wither or not you have heard about this.
Pope Benedict XVI resigns: Malachy’s Peter the Roman next?

Friday, February 8, 2013


How many people have actually thought the drone killings of Americans through? What are the legal ramifications for all Americans? Do American relinquish their Constitutional rights when they leave the country? Wouldn't the Founders who oft...en visited Europe have turned in their graves over such a thing. Since the Obama administration doesn't have to answer any questions about his killing of Americans either before or after their deaths, could he not just kill anyone for any reason? Aren't we just at the whim of whatever goodness he chooses to show or not show; without any constitutional guaranty of rights?


Thursday, February 7, 2013


How many people have actually thought the drone killings of Americans through? What are the legal ramifications for all Americans? Do American relinquish their Constitutional rights when they leave the country? Wouldn't the Founders who often visited Europe have turned in their graves over such a thing. Since the Obama administration doesn't have to answer any questions about his killing of Americans either before or after their deaths, could he not just kill anyone for any reason? Aren't we just at the whim of whatever goodness he chooses to show or not show; without any constitutional guaranty of rights?


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Obama: A Biblical Ahab that leads the USA into Apostasy?

Could Obama and Michelle be like an Ahab and Jezebel in leading the USA into apostacy as far as christian values are concerned? You might be suprized about the similarities of cirstances, thoughts and actions.

Obama: A Biblical Ahab that leads the USA into Apostasy?

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Mark of the beast; setting up the US to obey antichrist

It is about time people stop playing hollywoood with various concepts of the mark of the beast, when what is MUST be is very clear from scripture. There may bave been a time such speculations would not hurt much in this country but now it is something that this country is being set up to promote under the Antichrist last days power. I think this article may suprize you.

The Mark of the beast; setting up the US to obey antichrist

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Bible, UFOs, Jesus Christ and what I saw

Did you know that Sightigs tha today would e called UFOs are rather numerous in the Bible and there are some interesting facts that may add soe unerstanding about these strange hapenings. Even may help explain why Erth attcks the Returning Jesus Christ. Check it out.

The Bible, UFOs, Jesus Christ and what I saw

Biblical curses immigration problems and Educating the Public

If you saw a similar article by me earlier and wondered or did not have time to read it before it was taken down. Know this that EXAMINER took it down because they did not see it as related to Religion. I am a writer about general religion for Examiner. I hope that I have been able to show with somewhat of a prologue just a little taste of the importance of the matter Biblically.

Biblical curses immigration problems and Educating the Public

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

SOLVING IMMIGRATION and Educating the Public

A novel, even if humouous, way to capture the public's interest in all the intracacies of immigration reform.

SOLVING IMMIGRATION and Educating the Public

Monday, January 28, 2013

Sound Doctrine Christian Ministries 01/27 by FreedomizerRadio | Blog Talk Radio

Another great service of instruction and another episode of the Audio Drama "In our Image" Relive this recording at your leisure. Oh Yes leave us a comment!

Sound Doctrine Christian Ministries 01/27 by FreedomizerRadio | Blog Talk Radio

Sound Doctrine Christian Ministries 01/27 by FreedomizerRadio | Blog Talk Radio

Another great service of instruction and another episode of the Audio Drama "In our Image" Relive this recording at your leisure. Oh Yes leave us a comment!

Sound Doctrine Christian Ministries 01/27 by FreedomizerRadio | Blog Talk Radio

Monday, January 21, 2013

No Logic will help; Liberals and Minorities are in love with Obama

Don't waste time arguing with liberals, Progressives or socialist of any type when it comes to the president. Here's the reason why you should show the facts and move on.

No Logic will help; Liberals and Minorities are in love with Obama

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Well, I find it interesting that so much anger is aimed at the white man. People are going around shouting that we need to teach all of history. They go on to show supposedly just how bad the Caucasian male has been over the centuries. Yes we should tell all of history. The problem is that people generally only think they want to hear all of history.


Saturday, January 5, 2013

Abortion and the It’s my Body excuse for Killing the Unborn

Abortion and the It’s my Body excuse for Killing the Unborn
Convention time has come and gone. In spite of hurricane Isaac, the show went go on. The show this past convention for both Republican and the democratic conventions was set to portray women’s issues. This box office draw seems to have been off the charts in popularity according to the main stream media. One of those issues concerned women’s health. The main issue specifically, abortion. The point that Democrats always want to make is that no Republican or anyone else has a right to tell women what to do with their bodies. Most conservative Republicans believe that that so-called point is bogus.

Abortion and the It’s my Body excuse for Killing the Unborn

The relationship works, with the free gift of righteousness: A new year’s resolu

The relationship works, with the free gift of righteousness: A new year’s resolu