Friday, April 19, 2013

Why God Allows Evil, Pain and Suffering part 2

Tragic happenings like the murders at the Boston Marathon, where even young children and innocent people are killed often make people ask, WHERE IS GOD? We hear and see it written fairly often. Some folk even go so far as to assume that the fact that God seemingly doing nothing in an awful situation like this, is just another proof that he does not exist. Think again not from the emotional point of view of a being that lives about 70 or 80 years and think that is of utmost importance. God indeed has taken all these things into consideration and unlike us has made provisions for it. There is a method to what often looks like madness to fleshy short lived human beings.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


The doctrine of a "secret rapture" is one of the most popular stories being told. You can see it all on TV and in the movies. Never mind that Christ warned that you should not allow deceivers to fool you about some secret type coming. He indicated that his coming will be like the sun, every eye wuld see him. Let's take a different type look at this again. It is JUST THAT IMPORTANT; because you see if it is indeed wrong, as long as you believe it ou CANNOT recognise the beast and false prophet. Why? Because you have been told that you will not be here when that happens. So what I did was to see if we could be deceived if we use an analogy of an EMPLOYER who gave his workers all the warnings Jesus gave his deciples. You might find this exercise interesting and enlightening.

Monday, April 15, 2013


Friends, take time and logically contemplate the questios asked about the idea of an immortal soul which most think is real and taught by the Bible. In fact somewhere around 85 to 90% of the word believe some version of this.  Answer the questions logically and honestly. Some of you will find that the whole concept changes everything in a way you may never have considered. I look forwardt hearing your thoughts.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Astrology: A religion of many

It is amazing hw many people still treat Astrology as though i is a real and accurate way to direct their lives. They literally think nothing about it. At leat I don't hear too many people being asked the 1970s and 80s question, "What's your sign?" Is it possible that people love to follow and obey this ancient religion for the same reasons they did in old times; when God, then as now CONDEMNED IT? It's time you know; don't you think?

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


In Matthew 24, Jesus who is the REL REVELATOR, give the order of events of the Book of Revelations and the Prophets. His Putting ALL prophecy in one Grand sequence of events, Makes IMPOSSIBLE the interpretations on many would be prophets of today. Come and see.

Friday, April 5, 2013


I had only heard a little of the Bible thumper episode between Laura Ingraham and Bill O'Reilly. I have to agree with O'Reilly's Critics. He was belligerent and arrogant. Sometimes I like that in O'Reilly. This time I see him potentially doing a lot more harm than good. Laura came across as one trying to find a peaceful way to stop a raging bull. Getting to host Bill''s Show may have been enough to make her think twice. On the other hand she is his friend. Yet the Big "O" got it almost all wrong. People who believe the Bible know that thumper word is a tad bit like the "N" word used against blacks. It means NOTHING GOOD. Secondly, Bill Simply doesn't understand why the Bible miust be mentioned. Thanks Dr. Ben Carson for not being afraid to do so.  Then, unbeknownst to Bill we also have the logical argument, hands down. I hope he reads my article.


BIBLE THUMPER: I had only heard a little of the Bible thumper episode between Laura Ingraham and Bill O'Reilly. I have to agree with O'Reilly's Critics. He was belligerent and arrogant. Sometimes I like that in O'Reilly. This time I see him potentially doing a lot more harm than good. Laura came across as one trying to find a peaceful way to stop a raging bull. Getting to host Bill''s Show may have been enough to make her think twice. On the other hand she is his friend. Yet the Big "O" got it almost all wrong. People who believe the Bible know that thumper word is a tad bit like the "N" word used against blacks. It means NOTHING GOOD. Secondly, Bill Simply doesn't understand why the Bible miust be mentioned. Thanks Dr. Ben Carson for not being afraid to do so.  Then, unbeknownst to Bill we also have the logical argument, hands down. I hope he reads my article.

Immoralities and the New Health Care Law pt 4

Now most people should know by now that in President Obama’s own words, he prefers a single payer system and that the law passed is a great foundation for the same. It puts the control of the healthcare market into the hands of the Federal Government. In the law it says more than 2000 times that the Secretary of health shall do this or that.

It seeks to control what doctors get paid, what insurance Companies get paid, who gets healthcare and under what restrictions. In fact under the new law the insurance Companies have become agents of the Federal Government. This places the Federal Government into a position to kill the insurance companies over the years. This is exactly what the President was caught saying in a video in the past.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


It seems that we are living at a time that many have forgotten that tyrrany can come from a secular source or a religious source. Despots don't care. In fact they have mixed the two together or had them cooperate as much as possible to control people in every way imaginable. If you know nothing about this, try reading Foxe's Book of Martyrs. In colonial times, this used to be the second most read book. In it is found an abject real history lesson of the dangers of putting humans in charge of a Church / state combine. So how far should North carolina and other states go to protect religious freedom? Lets talk about it.