“When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?" (Psalm 11:3)NIV. The earthly foundations of all Societies begin with family. This concept was not invented by man. It begins with the creation of man and woman, who produces more human beings. Thus the founders began with the concept of God as the sole originator of rights and built government upon on that understanding. You see if man was the originator of rights, THEY (The founders) would not actually have had a right to dissolve on form of government to begin another which would secure those rights. Government would be solely about who could take control of another. The way the DEVIL and his minions have sought to destroy this concept is by claiming THEY can see extra rights which cannot be discerned from the constitution. Then playing on the idea of fairness in the minds of people who wants to be sensible to others, but who do not know what they are doing. Let’s take a quick look.