Thursday, December 4, 2014


“When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?" (Psalm 11:3)NIV.  The earthly foundations of all Societies begin with family. This concept was not invented by man. It begins with the creation of man and woman, who produces more human beings. Thus the founders began with the concept of God as the sole originator of rights and built government upon on that understanding. You see if man was the originator of rights, THEY (The founders) would not actually have had a right to dissolve on form of government to begin another which would secure those rights. Government would be solely about who could take control of another. The way the DEVIL and his minions have sought to destroy this concept is by claiming THEY can see extra rights which cannot be discerned from the constitution. Then playing on the idea of fairness in the minds of people who wants to be sensible to others, but who do not know what they are doing. Let’s take a quick look.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

IN_OUR_IMAGE » Blog Archive » Episode 23: Thomas Prepper compound; Dana and Tabitha Cat Fight

IN_OUR_IMAGE » Blog Archive » Episode 23: Thomas Prepper compound; Dana and Tabitha Cat Fight

The prepping of Thomas was done to save a lot of lives in the last days.. However, all his prepping does not control the minds and hearts of others. Dana his ex finally realizes that being a man of God does not mean you are boring. In fact Thomas Hankins now is on the mind of many of the top leaders of the NWO. Now another woman has come into the picture and she think that she needs to put the fear of God into her. No one will take her man, she thinks. Hankins, this is ‘her man’ that she abandoned years ago, right?

Saturday, August 23, 2014

IN_OUR_IMAGE » Blog Archive » Episode 22: Heylel and the Inquisition; Dana Goes After Thomas

IN_OUR_IMAGE » Blog Archive » Episode 22: Heylel and the Inquisition; Dana Goes After Thomas

When he had opened the 5th seal there was beneath
the alter, souls of those that were beheaded and killed for their testimony of
the Gospel. It was explained to them that the world would not be punished for
what was done to them until a FINAL time that their fellow servants and
brethren would be killed similarly. Who can believe this report? In this
episode of “In Our Image: After out likeness, we begin to explore more about
this matter and how human beings will continue on with the love and hate relationships
of this life.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

IN_OUR_IMAGE » Blog Archive » Episode 21: The Prophet: Last Days healthcare and Vampirism

What will Christians do as persecution spreads world wide
and they are barred from fully participating in society? It will be bad enough
for everyone else in the new TOP DOWN systems, such as healthcare and executive
cap and trade orders. Will the church see the REAL gifts of the Spirit, like in
the early church? I say yes, with clear visions and powers that many do not see
today. Real miracles do not take a lot of hoopla, slap, hits, screams flips and
other gymnastics; just a word or touch. But the world will hate them.

IN_OUR_IMAGE » Blog Archive » Episode 21: The Prophet: Last Days healthcare and Vampirism

Monday, July 14, 2014

IN_OUR_IMAGE » Blog Archive » Episode 19: Thomas Confronts the Wizards of Tobey

Episode 19: Thomas Confronts the Wizards of Tobey

In this Episode, the love fight between Gina and David completes. Hammondstemporarily overcomes Tomlinson and the last days Prophet Thomas confront the 77 Wizards, sent to destroy him, in a death match. The end times and the love story revs up in this diverse edition to this epic drama.

*CD Audio trailer:


IN_OUR_IMAGE » Blog Archive » Episode 19: Thomas Confronts the Wizards of Tobey

Friday, June 27, 2014

Supporters of GOP Senate candidate Chris McDaniel are pouring over ballots cast in Tuesday's runoff election with incumbent Thad Cochran looking for iregularities While they claim to have found 800 tainted ballots so far, local election authoriti...

How much effort would you put forward to help a so called friend if in times of power grabbing, he is found working with the enemy and try to destroy you? Effort you might say, NONE! Well I think the Chris McDaniel voters probably feel a li...ttle like that after being called racists by a supposed Republican. Now you expect it out of Democrats whom you are not going to vote for. But to have it done by a friend who also expects you to vote for him can be a heel to climb. That Cochran need not think he can count on the vote of democrats in the fall, which puts Chris McDaniel in the driver’s seat to at least get an apology and an open clarification of where Cochran stands on the Tea Party. But I have another possibility. McDaniel Got far more of the republican vote than Cochran. He could run in the fall and probably win. His voters are more loyal and Democrats will vote for the Democrat. Either way he should not allow to stand, without consequences, what the Establishment Republicans tried to do to him and those who supports him.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

IN_OUR_IMAGE » Blog Archive » Episode 17: Methods of The Demonic and UFOs

IN_OUR_IMAGE » Blog Archive » Episode 17: Methods of The Demonic and UFOs

Episode 17: Methods of The Demonic and UFOs


This Episode begins to bring together the methods used by
the god of this world; even the way he tries to use grace against us. This is
the one called Heylel translated as Lucifer. We explore how UFOs are related to
Demons and haunting. Is there a method to what looks like madness? By the way
how might demons think of you in your neighborhood? Could you be a useful idiot
to them or would they fear you? Don’t miss this episode.


*    CD Audio trailer:

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Ask yourself, do you believe that Obama can do anything for which this group of Republicans would mover forward to impeach him? Would they continue to cowardly assume that their best out is to just keep letting him screw up? Well that certa...inly is the motif operandi right now. They cannot see a point in trying and almost certainly failing to remove him; because the Senate which would have to convict is democrat controlled. No, that is a much better reason to impeach now. Come see what it is.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Imperial Presidency: what it means for you

I find it quite informative that a liberal Law professor Like Jonathan Turley, who agrees with a lot of Obama’s ideology, still can see how detrimental he has become to the Constitutional framework of our country. Even he cannot get his fellow liberals to THINK carefully. We just saw the progressive democrats talking about changing the 1st amendment of the constitution and allowing only certain News outlets to have traditional free speech rights. And of course the unions would not be hurt. This would have to pass the House and no one is thinking that the house would go along, so why do democrats not care that folk know that they stand for this? Well like Obama, they know few in this country actually knows what the founders did and why? Therefore there is little more respect by the populace than Obama have for what they did. He thinks he is better, but he is the destructor. As Turley says, “he is the President that Nixon wanted to be!”

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Ever hear a person communicating from deep within themselves and you could tell that he or she was feeling like they were swimming in what they were saying or even singing. Often you can hear and feel a person struggle. You might know the person is totally wrong, yet as a human being, you have some understanding of what they are dealing with. I notice the affinity that many have for John Lennon’s struggle in life. Some might even think he found peace. I don’t. I think he was groping for what he thought was sensible, in spite of the inadequate place to which he attained before his life was cut short at age 40. There is a something instructional in his search. Here is what it causes me to contemplate.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

IN_OUR_IMAGE » Blog Archive » Episode 16: Thomas & Dana, the Love story

IN_OUR_IMAGE » Blog Archive » Episode 16: Thomas & Dana, the Love story

Getting it right when there are conflicts of the heart is not always easy. Did you know that we are expected not to stay the same but rather to become skilled in making proper Judgment regardless of our psychological, mental, or spiritual difficulties? Well, and why not? We will be expected to rule the universe in coming ages. It is one of these toughest of situations that Last Days prophet Thomas deals with in this episode of " In Our Image "After our Likeness"

Episode 16: Thomas & Dana, the Love story

“He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that does not lift his cross, and follow after me, is not worthy of me. He that finds his life shall lose it: and he that loses his life for my sake shall find it.” (Matthew 10:37-39) Life often requires from us that which we would not rather deal with. How will our last days prophet deal with the only thing he has no power over, the free will of another?
* CD Audio trailer:
* Podcast:

Sunday, May 11, 2014



Every Day is
Mother’s Day as far as I am concerned. But the concept of a Mother and Father,
contrary to popular belief did not just happen accidentally. Neither is there a
reason for Women to think that they only way they can be of equal worth is to
do every thing a man does. There are things that generally speaking men are not
nearly as good at. There are other things that men just cannot do, yet today
those things are little respected. A Mom’s work can last an eternity. Come and
see what I mean.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014



It seems to be surprising to many
living in this country that some Americans consider this country to be
exceptional. Even the President spoke as if it was an insult to all other
people that one would say it. He in fact made it known that it was just a
things that people from all nations could say. No! Mr. President, What they
founders declared and set up via the Constitution was the greatest act of physical
freedom from earthly government since God parted the Red
. Many Americans simply don’t understand that the whole history
of mankind; his institutions both of what is called religious and secular,
motivated them do something better. Freedom of religion and an individual world
view is only NEXT to the essential thought that all right comes from God. So,
the Supreme Court narrowly decided not to chip away on that second foundational
piece, which I believe Satan understands could destroy America.

Friday, May 2, 2014

IN_OUR_IMAGE » Blog Archive » Episode 15: Heylel (Satan) VS Yeshua (Jesus) and Fails

IN_OUR_IMAGE » Blog Archive » Episode 15: Heylel (Satan) VS Yeshua (Jesus) and Fails

Episode 15: Heylel (Satan) VS Yeshua (Jesus) and Fails
Heylel tries to take advantage of YHVH being made flesh and tabernacling among men. Why did he think he could win? Why as a super being did he have a chance? While at the time of the end Mr. Talbert gets to see his son, even though all authorities are looking for him and Thomas. His and Thomas’ escape is a prelude to a final opportunity for Thomas to deviate a little and possibly get to see Dana, the only person he ever loved for the first time in a of couple years.

* Podcast:

Thursday, April 17, 2014



What would happen if a person wanted you and
several other people to build a building; and each of you have certain parts to
build but he gave each of you different standards: A foot for one person was 12
inches, for another it was 7 inches and for another a yard was 4 feet and
another 3 feet. What will happen to that building? Will it ever be built, with
each person using their own standards? Many Professing Christians are doing
exactly that. While some fundamental things are agreed upon, like the death burial
and resurrection being paramount and the belief in the efficacy of his work,
there are different measurement standards for just about every thing else. This
is like a group lawyers working together but each deciding what laws they want
to recognize. I had a gentleman who belonged to an organization named after
God’s son, who told me, “There is nothing that the prophet David said that the
church should follow.” So, what scriptural statements do YHVH (God) want us to
live by? Let’s look at it, you might be surprised.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

IN_OUR_IMAGE » Blog Archive » Episode 14: Thomas Demons and the Nephilim

Episode 14: Thomas Demons and the Nephilim
The Last days American Prophet Thomas, is sent to a small town in Texas to confront some Demons and correct several misunderstandings by fellow professed Christians. How to go about it without offe...nding and unnecessarily failing to turn them to the truth is the lot of this episode. This episode begins to address the phenomena of UFOs also. Sit back, turn up you speakers and enjoy.
* CD Audio trailer:
* Podcast:

Thursday, April 10, 2014




Coming April 15th, at the time of Passover and the feast of
unleavened bread; then at the feast of Tabernacles both this year and in 2015
are what many call the blood moons and dark Suns. These events have been happening
since creation. What makes these special some says it the fact that it happens
4 times in 2 consecutive years and they will be on Feast days of YHVH (God). It
is assumed by many that these represent the prophecy of Joel and others
concerning the sun being dark and the moon looking like blood. This cannot be.
Come and see why.

Friday, April 4, 2014


The New World Order will be pulled together by a great
religious leader that can draw not only Europe
but millions the world over. I decided to take some ideas that are being toyed
with or have actually been used in the past to suggest that things like them
could be enough to convince the world that it has its best opportunity for
peace ever. Scripture indicates that peace and harmony will be one of the
enticements. If many in churches blindfold them selves looking for a
pre-tribulation rapture first, that will also make it easier to put together a
union. I would like to know if you would support what I present in the article.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

IN_OUR_IMAGE » Blog Archive » Episode 13: Heylel Tricked; Thomas Escapes from N.W.O

IN_OUR_IMAGE » Blog Archive » Episode 13: Heylel Tricked; Thomas Escapes from N.W.O

Episode 13: Heylel Tricked; Thomas Escapes from N.W.O

Heylel, the Satan, learns that he has been tricked from the beginning of the
world and realizes that this changes everything that he planned. In the mean
time at the time of the end Thomas Hankins, who allowed him self to be
arrested, has a plan to deliver his friend Jake Talbert. Like him Jake has been
considered a leader of the citizen militias because so many believed in what
they preached. Yet these militias were willing to lose life and limb to try to
preserve the USA.
They felt that you could be so heavenly minded that you might not be any
earthly good; they dared not fail.

* CD Audio trailer: http://bsullivan79,com/inourimage.htm

Monday, March 31, 2014

My Podcast Site

Podcast as an iphone App

Now get the epic
story about the mysteries of life and love on your iphone at the link below.
Get these free podcasts of the overall story and the many mini stories that
will have you thinking about the major things in life, their meaning and the
destiny of man.

Enjoy, listen and learn!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014



What if Obama meets with Pope Francis and instead of making friendly agreements
causes Protestants and Catholics to unite politically to stop the onslaught of
secularism in America;
the kind that forces people to do things against their conscience as it relates
to their religious convictions. Why should a ‘religious secular’ conviction be
more important than a ‘religious church’ conviction? All convictions can be
either traced back to a fundamental that relates to and is derived form God or
not. A seed change will come about one way or the other.

Monday, March 24, 2014



Get ready for three days of wonder: The Supreme
Court will hear the Hobby Lobby case and Obama will meet with Pope Francis. Do
you know why these days can be so important? I suspect you have not heard in
the main stream media. Take my word for it the ignorance of the media means
little or nothing. Come and see what is important about not just one but both
these events!

My Podcast Site » Blog Archive » EPISODE 12: Secret of Birth of John and Yeshua (Jesus)

My Podcast Site » Blog Archive » EPISODE 12: Secret of Birth of John and Yeshua (Jesus)

EPISODE 12: Secret of Birth of John and Yeshua (Jesus)

Heylel (The Satan) and his fellow conspirators try to figure out why God set a short time limit for the salvation of man.  Since they figured that YHVH failed for 4,000 years, there would be no way a man would be born that they could not deceive. They calculate how soon they will win the battle by what Gabriel told Daniel.

 The Blessed Mary is chosen to have the seed that is to walk on the head of the dragon. But as a mother, the struggle will pierce her heart too.

This will be the one series of events that will stand as the seminal events of the universe for all times to come; even in the new heavens and new earth. What is to be done will have eluded Heylel and made if possible to empower men that are to come in the end days, like Thomas Hankins.

Audio trailer of 10 hr CD set:

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

My Podcast Site » Blog Archive » Episode 11: The N.W.O Imprisons Thomas; Prayer of Daniel

My Podcast Site » Blog Archive » Episode 11: The N.W.O Imprisons Thomas; Prayer of Daniel

Episode 11: The N.W.O Imprisons Thomas; Prayer of Daniel the prophet

The presentation of the beginnings of a New World Order which Captures and imprisons the last days prophet Thomas; in an attempt to use his influence to control Militia ...members. Also a look back at the Prophet Daniel and the start of the presentation of the 70 Weeks Prophecy given him by the Angel Gabriel

Audio trailer For 10 hr CD set:

Sunday, March 16, 2014


The founding Fathers lived close to a time when much thought had been given to the Tyranny of the time and centuries past. Both the secular state and religious state was involved in various persecutions. What the founders did so brilliantly conceived and I believed inspired by God. They knew what they did was unique in history. They removed the church out of the hands of the state. Then they divided state power into 3 sections and for specific reasons. 1. You cannot allow the same person to make law 2. Interpret what that law means at his whim, or 3. Execute that law as written. Obama is playing with fire.  

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

My Podcast Site » Blog Archive » EPISODE 10: Thomas captured, Meets a gay would be admirer

EPISODE 10: Thomas captured, Meets a gay would be admirer

In this episode The Expert psychic investigator and United States Intelligence officer sent to locate Thomas, thinks that he has succeeded. After he is apprehended, Thomas explains his Godly stance on the gay life-style to a would-be admirer who has heard of his miracles and general goodness most of his life.
Heylel (Satan) and his imps discuss the many varied ways of deceiving man and is urged by Heylel to get it done.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Would you allow a thief to walk
up to you and with his naked hands take a loaded 9mm out of you hands and spoil
your household? This is what the house has done, out of fear that they might
screw up Obama’s screw-ups. What they fail to see is that he is making the
delays that they asked for unlawfully and taking credit. Daring them to do
anything about it because he can say; see they don’t want to help you. Thus
they allow him to take all their power. Yet they think some how people will be
please with them and elect them. Electing Republicans is not the end all for
your supporters, guys. There are things you can actually do. Put yourselves at
risk to save this country and we the people will do the rest.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

My Podcast Site » Blog Archive » EPISODE: 9 Balaam’s Ass talks & Last Days USA militias

EPISODE: 9 Balaam’s Ass talks & Last Days USA militias

In this episode, Heylel (Satan) explains more about his plan to defeat man. We also get to hear a Prophet’s ass talk and we begin to look at some militias that will become more prevale...nt in the last days of persecution before the return of Messiah. What do you do for love of country if you are a Christian or if you are not?

Audio trailer:

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Well anyone can be wrong
sometimes. Seems like Thomas Sowell and Ann Coulter, two people I normally
agree with both have been attending the school of do nothing to mess things up.
Now while that is normally a good thing, what they seem to think is messing
things up; is not where the people are who has to vote for Republicans. Thomas
Sowell on Hannity depicted in his latest description of actions of Ted Cruz a
FLAWED example using George Washington. Do you know what that flaw was? Come
and see.

Monday, February 24, 2014

My Podcast Site

My Podcast Site

The writer of the article blindly ends with this statement about the same sex issue; “It’s hard to believe that Jesus was ever for that.” Talking about misguided, it was Jesus that created male and female and said, “FOR THIS CAUSE, shall a man leave father and mother and cleave to his wife.” (Matthew 19:4-5) This is a case of what have never been; factually, that a man was made for a man or a woman for a woman. They are opposites for a reason. Consult a plug and wall socket ...for more information.

What is actually happening is the attempt by one group by LAW to create a RIGHT that is not explicit in Revelation, Natural law or Science. (R=N=S) As such it violates the formula given by the founders to keep men from making up strange rights while violating others. You can come to my flower shop, bakery or whatever and get service ANY TIME. But the minute that you say, ok, I want you to make a cake with my name and my lover’s or asks me to deliver flowers to one of your weddings, that is another matter. I don’t want to be a participant in what God calls an abomination. You can do it freely but now you have picked a fight for no reason. You are saying to me, change your mind and you beliefs to accommodate my misguided idea that I can create a right that violates my Constitutional rights..

Friday, February 21, 2014

My Podcast Site » Blog Archive » EPISODE 7: Job’s Friends Taunts him

EPISODE 7: Job’s Friends Taunts him

I was recently in a hospital and I heard and older woman talking to some
visitors that was trying to assure her that the only way her sickness came upon
her was because of sin. I heard her say “No, what about Job?” Her friends were
determined to indicate that they understood God so well, that they knew it had
to be her sins had put her there.

Amazingly the most Righteous man on earth at the time, according to God, was
seen as a sinner by his friends. All the bad things that happened in his life
they thought was the fault of him and his children. Good men, but their acts
towards their friend Job was more useful for useful to the plan of Heylel

Thursday, February 20, 2014


UH OH! Should Republicans abandon any idea of being leaders
in what is right to focus only on money? What about the saying that you cannot
legislate morality? Can Republicans get away with saying to Christians, you
cannot win unless you stop moralizing and voting about those things? Sure thee
are idiots that say stupid things, like if a woman is raped, God intended it or
something like that. These people should never be supported. Will they do well
if the become democrats, except for free market principles?

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

My Podcast Site » Blog Archive » Episode 6 “Heylel’s attack on Job”

My Podcast Site » Blog Archive » Episode 6 “Heylel’s attack on Job”EPISODE 6
Most of us have heard of the man of God called Job. A lot of people may not have considered all the nearly unique things in that 42 chapter book within the Bible. It speaks of the signs of the Zodiac, the resurrection, the laws of the universe and apparently dinosaur-like creatures. It also helps us to understand more things about God and our enemy the devil. Did you know the devil can cause storms and twisters? Do you know what he thinks of the best of men, from his own lips? What would you do if you were the most righteous person on earth and everything just seemed to go wrong for many months? Prayers, friends or nothing else was working for you. You are rich but your money is useless in solving your problems. The most horrible things are happening to you. Well, we summarized this story in a relatively short audio drama. This is but part of a multi hour audio play. Let us know what you think. Click the hyperlink not the picture to hear the audio drama, Just click next at bottom of page to go from audio page to audio page.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

My Podcast Site » Blog Archive » Episode 5 “The One Sign” given to all men

Yeshua (Jesus) Said that, "An evil and adulterous generation seek a sign and none would be give to it except one." That sign he goes on to explain has to do not just with the death burial and resurrection as a fact, but would rather have to do with the lenght of the time that he would be in the earth, 72 hours. This known and understood, changes everything.

Saturday, February 15, 2014


You know a person by what they do. According to scriptures this is not just true of politicians, friends and other people we know little about, but it is true of God also. Have you every just sit back and considered the over-all acts of God... and wondered what he was doing with man? What he considered the greatest things worth his time and why?
What could an almighty being really want that he did not have already?

Monday, February 10, 2014


Does a politician or talking head have to
obfuscate about things all the time? If what they are saying is logically true
or the actual facts show what they are saying cannot they make them fit
everyday commonsense? There is one Party that has 85% of the media behind them,
a generation of planted academics in high places and a full generation of the
miss-educated to whom and with whom to work to spread their ideas.

There is a song done by an old group, the Main ingredient; called, “Everybody
plays the fool, Sometimes.” It goes on to say, “There’s no exception to the
rule.” This party has used tactics for a long time now that at first glance
seems everybody agrees with. You ask them yes and no questions. You can cause
them to have to agree or disagree with clear principles. You will often find,
that you never knew what they really were saying, you never really thought
about it but they played on good will emotions only. They never made logical
sense. A the link below are a few examples of why we should always take times
to think. We don’t have to continue to play the fool.

Monday, February 3, 2014


see or hear people that fit the message that God gave by Isaiah about people, “
Which say, Stand by thyself; come not near to me; for
I am holier than thou?” YHVH then was said to say, “These are a smoke in
my nose, a fire that burns all the day.” I know a few people who would say Bill
that’s you. Just let everyone do what they want and mind your own business. But
would that be in effect doing pretty much what Isaiah mentioned above. Stay to
yourself, I am better than you? We sometimes have problems getting people to
work together to save this country. Think how much more grievous it is if
professing Christians do not think correctly about differences between each
other. A person often finds a doctrine, a denomination, and interpretation and
all who disagree are headed to hell. Most of the time when I see this, it makes
no sense and we all better hope it didn’t

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

My Podcast Site » Blog Archive » Episode 3: The Flood, Easter Template, End of days

This Episode of In Our Image: After our Likeness, traces the Sin Template of Haylel through the flood and the Easter Template. It takes us also to the End of Days persecution of several families. It shows how prepping helps but does not end the problems Christians. Nor will it End their mission even at a time of fantastic miraculous evil.


Sunday, January 26, 2014


America is the No.1 significant nation in the world for
sharing the truth about Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah. Even though a lot of
doctrine has been incorrect for years, yet people from this country introduce
the concept of the death burial and resurrection to more people in the world
than any other nation. I was hired as a contract High School teacher some years
ago and found the student fascinated by the fact that many early settlers came
to this country with an inner assurance that God would soon make it the
greatest nation in the world from which the Gospel was shared. To go from 1776
and for a man living at that time to manage to see his children and grand
children, the latter of which would live to see it come true is simply amazing.
So if there is a Devil, Which nation would you work hard to make sure is hated?
And which institution within that nation would you destroy in order to destroy
the nation? Well we could think of some. 1. He could aim at the church. Or
2.  He could aim at Marriage. If he can
destroy marriage, he kind of takes care of two birds with one stone or vice
versa. But some may not know that. Making it easier to attack from the marriage
route. But why is marriage that important?

Come and see.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Know the Future? What should you do for Love of Country? pt4

I have had friends for more than 20 years, who have believed much of what is called conspiracy theories. At times, they have all but lived off the grid. Others who are Christians have thought it was totally foolishness or very nearly so. Safety if of the Lord, they would say. My prepper friends would say, so is food, but there is not harm in being as prepared as possible. Our last chance through an inspired government may be fast approaching. I suggest that we all consider what it means to come together on the fundamentals. We will NEVER all agree on the details. The FOUNDERS made it possible for all to agree fundamentally. R=N=S is that formula. But there are those Christians that never wanted to have part of this world. Nearly 100 million professing Christians and non Christians who never vote could change this country. Let’s talk about what matters to them and cause them to see what we all can agree to.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Know the Future? What should you do for Love of Country?

Although Americans are not so Biblically literate these days, many still understand that God gave the 10 tribes of Israel and then the Jewish Judah and Jerusalem many times to repent. Sometimes they did but finally they simply refused and he sent both into captivity.

I wonder how many Americans have thought about what they would have really done if God had told them to tell their fellow country men to give up to the king of Babylon. God promised them mercy it they did so because the King of Babylon was acting on God’s behalf. Do you think anyone would have believed you? They accused Jeremiah of being a traitor! The Emotional contortions that man must have had to deal with; his own and those of others who wanted to kill him. He was the one that had the relationship with God to actually know the truth.  This brings me to the big question of our time. What should we American Christians hope for and do for our unrepentant nation?

Thursday, January 9, 2014

My Podcast Site "In Our Image"

My Podcast Site
This is an epic drama beginning from both ends of time and space. When the twain meet all hell breaks loose. But in between, all the mysteries of life are explored; the mysteries of the paranormal and the reason for all suffering. You will understand at last by this superbly entertaining story, the glorious reason why you are here. Hint; it is not to lay around heaven all day!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

So, have you ever faced what out leading man of the last day’s audio drama, “In our Image” faces? I mean he is one of the major prophets in the last days, yet he has not given up on his ex wife. Some say there is a thin line between love and hate and for certain even the best of us all have to bear our own burdens. Love is like a highway and there is no guarantee that traffic is always going in both directions at the same time.

So, have you ever faced what out leading man of the last day’s audio drama, “In our Image” faces? I mean he is one of the major prophets in the last days, yet he has not given up on his ex wife. Some say there is a thin line between love and hate and for certain even the best of us all have to bear our own burdens. Love is like a highway and there is no guarantee that traffic is always going in both directions at the same time.
At the same time this Epic Drama will address al the major mysteries of life; giving biblical answers that you may never hear of. The Idea is to be exciting, etertaining and informative all at the same time. It worked for "In Our Image: After out likeness" 10 hours of great listening, whither you are traveling in your car, at work, on a plane with your Ipod or on your computer. Enjoy this unusually candid and true to lie audio drama.;;product=1404547255

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


I have seen many religious types; seemingly trying to update their eschatology by trying to explain how America is The Harlot riding the back of the beast. It is strange, like the Israelites in the Bible that were having a lot of dreams that were opposite what God was telling them by the Prophets. God told them that THEY were causing themselves to dream those dreams. He warned them to stop telling each other their dreams acting as if the Almighty had shown them something. The Truth about Mystery Babylon has been known since the middle ages. It was described even by Daniel, Jesus and the Apostles. Though America is doing evil and will be punished; come see why it is IMPOSSIBLE that America is the harlot of Babylon.