Sunday, January 19, 2014

Know the Future? What should you do for Love of Country? pt4

I have had friends for more than 20 years, who have believed much of what is called conspiracy theories. At times, they have all but lived off the grid. Others who are Christians have thought it was totally foolishness or very nearly so. Safety if of the Lord, they would say. My prepper friends would say, so is food, but there is not harm in being as prepared as possible. Our last chance through an inspired government may be fast approaching. I suggest that we all consider what it means to come together on the fundamentals. We will NEVER all agree on the details. The FOUNDERS made it possible for all to agree fundamentally. R=N=S is that formula. But there are those Christians that never wanted to have part of this world. Nearly 100 million professing Christians and non Christians who never vote could change this country. Let’s talk about what matters to them and cause them to see what we all can agree to.

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