Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Supreme Court, Gay Marriage and Secular Humanism

There is an argument concerning same sex marriage that, I guess, no one dares to make in front of the Supreme Court of these United States. It is logical and bring into the debate concerns that we all should address for the sake of freedom. It also shows a way that this could be done that might satisify some who makes claims of same sex couples that many believe makes some sense. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Ignorance of Modern so-called Liberal Christianity pt 3

when you hear these people trying to use Jesus to promote their socialized agenda, realize that they are either actually ignorant of the facts at best or sneakily trying to perpetrate a fraud with God’s Word at worst.

The best method to cause men to produce for the good of all and therefore the most just and fair way to influence any market (Think also healthcare) is to make sure men can end up reaping what they sow. they must be able to feel the effects of their choices. Then when individuals give to them, there is an appreciation and not a thought on their parts that it is owed them (Think Greece).

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


If you are a white conservative, what do you think when you see a black conservative being designated as an Uncle Tom? Do you  stay your distance, particularly if you are a politician? What if you are black and is called and Uncle Tom? How do you react?  What if you are a politician? Well, maybe this article will cause you to look at it all is a whole different way. What if you found out that the whole Uncle Tom thing has been flipped onver on it's head and in fact Tom was the good guy? What if the whole dynamics surrounding Uncle Tom is still at work today? Lots of questions but a really short article.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Gay Rights and the Aftermath of the Family Research council Heroics

He Ordered Chaplains to perform Gay marriages and reportedly ordered attendance at an annual type of gay pride day. Words mean things. Be it in law most importantly or just a declaration. Law and or the anticipation of a law that would empower some one often provoke actions of some types.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Psychology bondage in AR and God’s word (part 1)

We talk about the salvation of Christ, yet the majority of people in our country seems to end up before some psychologist or Psychiatrist at some point in their lives. Bondages of all types need to be lessened, eased, removed or dealt with in a way to allows a person to become productive. Some people remain a rape victim in a form of bondage all their lives. So do people with various addictions or those who have been involved in some sort of taboos that society would crucify you about if they knew. Maybe you were a victim of incest or maybe you were the perpertrator; whatever the bondage there is a way to not just relieve but to ELIMINATE, Guilt , shame, lack of control and a bad concious. No Psychiatrist can do this. Come and learn how it is done.

Psychology bondage in AR and God’s word (part 1)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Astrology: A religion of many

Some years ago it was reported that an astrologer for a major newspaper published a previous year’s astrological report each week or daily, however they did it, for their readers. It was reported that ONLY ONE reader noticed that it was a previous year’s predictions and advice, verbatim. They are all written like the 50% weather forecast, so that at some point they will be right and the people will not think of the times that could be called wrong, just the times that it can be interpreted as correct. Kind of Like a LOTTERY. You remember each hit but not the misses.

Easter or Passover, The Truth About it

That outline of history by Daniel and John showed that there would be only 4 Kingdoms that would occupy the general area of the Roman Empire, which would encompass the general area of all 4. Theses were: 1. Babylon, Media – Persia, Greece and Rome. That last one Rome, according to John the Apostle in Revelation, would fall and be revived 7 times. All of this except the 7th revival has happened in history.
Daniel also said that during the time of the 4th kingdom a religious entity; a little horn that would be different from all other kingdoms would arise. It will speak very great things. Change the laws of God and his Moedeem (change feast days). He would also issue inquisition against God’s people. Both the little horn and the 4th kingdom that rises and falls will last until Jesus comes. Folks, there is no psychic, seer or any other religion that has outlines such a clear picture of all the history of man. Now let’s check out those changes in Feast days. We will see who did it, why it is important and how this truth removes the scales from the eyes of those honestly seeking what this real world is all about. It will open up the clear understanding of what will happen soon.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Arkansas Passes Human heartbeat Protection Act; 12 week abortion restriction.

Have you every heard of the oft spoken about human personhood admendment? Or maybe chance or research have you know about the potential under the 14th Amendment to quickly settle the abortion argument by the US Congress simply passing a law stating when personhood begins in pregnancy. These potentials make the Arkansas Law and any individual which it protects, a supreme persona non grata.
Arkansas Passes Human heartbeat Protection Act; 12 week abortion restriction.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Why even at a glance the Quran is not comparable to the Bible pt 3

According to John the first chapter, Jesus was the one God used to create the World and all there is in heaven and earth. Thus that makes him God. Not the Father, but God nevertheless. To add a little detail for someone who thinks I have gone off the deep end. God created all living things to reproduce after its own kind. The Son of a Cow is just as much a Cow as his father. The son of a chicken is just as much a chicken as his father. The Son of a man is just as much a man and his father. God did this as an example of his plan. So the Son of God is just as much God as his Father. He is just not the one ultimately in charge, no more than is a human son is over his father, while in his Father house hold.
Why even at a glance the Quran is not comparable to the Bible pt 3

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Is it New Covenant or a Renewed Covenant? pt 3

so there is no misunderstanding, it is written that the just shall live by faith. This way of faith came long before the giving of the law at the hands of Moses, but if one reads the bible you can find all the 10 commandments were in existence before they were codified by Moses. If you doubt it, check for yourself, it is not necessary here for the purpose of this article. The point is that God’s ways and requirements have always been the same, before and after the giving of the law on Sinai.

Conservatives: Right about Fairness, need guts to do right

Obama has apparently convinced most people willing to vote that he knows more about fairness than God. Really! God in scripture is pictured as being loving to all and yet when he applies a tax called a tithe (or tenth) which he says all should pay wither they are poor or rich, that was fair. Therein is the rub. If you told two people to measure the length of a fence in feet you better have told them exactly how long a foot is. Better yet, give them the same instrument by which to measure things or they will say it is whatever length they choose