Friday, January 31, 2014

In Our Image: After Our Likeness

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

My Podcast Site » Blog Archive » Episode 3: The Flood, Easter Template, End of days

This Episode of In Our Image: After our Likeness, traces the Sin Template of Haylel through the flood and the Easter Template. It takes us also to the End of Days persecution of several families. It shows how prepping helps but does not end the problems Christians. Nor will it End their mission even at a time of fantastic miraculous evil.


Sunday, January 26, 2014


America is the No.1 significant nation in the world for
sharing the truth about Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah. Even though a lot of
doctrine has been incorrect for years, yet people from this country introduce
the concept of the death burial and resurrection to more people in the world
than any other nation. I was hired as a contract High School teacher some years
ago and found the student fascinated by the fact that many early settlers came
to this country with an inner assurance that God would soon make it the
greatest nation in the world from which the Gospel was shared. To go from 1776
and for a man living at that time to manage to see his children and grand
children, the latter of which would live to see it come true is simply amazing.
So if there is a Devil, Which nation would you work hard to make sure is hated?
And which institution within that nation would you destroy in order to destroy
the nation? Well we could think of some. 1. He could aim at the church. Or
2.  He could aim at Marriage. If he can
destroy marriage, he kind of takes care of two birds with one stone or vice
versa. But some may not know that. Making it easier to attack from the marriage
route. But why is marriage that important?

Come and see.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Know the Future? What should you do for Love of Country? pt4

I have had friends for more than 20 years, who have believed much of what is called conspiracy theories. At times, they have all but lived off the grid. Others who are Christians have thought it was totally foolishness or very nearly so. Safety if of the Lord, they would say. My prepper friends would say, so is food, but there is not harm in being as prepared as possible. Our last chance through an inspired government may be fast approaching. I suggest that we all consider what it means to come together on the fundamentals. We will NEVER all agree on the details. The FOUNDERS made it possible for all to agree fundamentally. R=N=S is that formula. But there are those Christians that never wanted to have part of this world. Nearly 100 million professing Christians and non Christians who never vote could change this country. Let’s talk about what matters to them and cause them to see what we all can agree to.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Know the Future? What should you do for Love of Country?

Although Americans are not so Biblically literate these days, many still understand that God gave the 10 tribes of Israel and then the Jewish Judah and Jerusalem many times to repent. Sometimes they did but finally they simply refused and he sent both into captivity.

I wonder how many Americans have thought about what they would have really done if God had told them to tell their fellow country men to give up to the king of Babylon. God promised them mercy it they did so because the King of Babylon was acting on God’s behalf. Do you think anyone would have believed you? They accused Jeremiah of being a traitor! The Emotional contortions that man must have had to deal with; his own and those of others who wanted to kill him. He was the one that had the relationship with God to actually know the truth.  This brings me to the big question of our time. What should we American Christians hope for and do for our unrepentant nation?

Thursday, January 9, 2014

My Podcast Site "In Our Image"

My Podcast Site
This is an epic drama beginning from both ends of time and space. When the twain meet all hell breaks loose. But in between, all the mysteries of life are explored; the mysteries of the paranormal and the reason for all suffering. You will understand at last by this superbly entertaining story, the glorious reason why you are here. Hint; it is not to lay around heaven all day!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

So, have you ever faced what out leading man of the last day’s audio drama, “In our Image” faces? I mean he is one of the major prophets in the last days, yet he has not given up on his ex wife. Some say there is a thin line between love and hate and for certain even the best of us all have to bear our own burdens. Love is like a highway and there is no guarantee that traffic is always going in both directions at the same time.

So, have you ever faced what out leading man of the last day’s audio drama, “In our Image” faces? I mean he is one of the major prophets in the last days, yet he has not given up on his ex wife. Some say there is a thin line between love and hate and for certain even the best of us all have to bear our own burdens. Love is like a highway and there is no guarantee that traffic is always going in both directions at the same time.
At the same time this Epic Drama will address al the major mysteries of life; giving biblical answers that you may never hear of. The Idea is to be exciting, etertaining and informative all at the same time. It worked for "In Our Image: After out likeness" 10 hours of great listening, whither you are traveling in your car, at work, on a plane with your Ipod or on your computer. Enjoy this unusually candid and true to lie audio drama.;;product=1404547255

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


I have seen many religious types; seemingly trying to update their eschatology by trying to explain how America is The Harlot riding the back of the beast. It is strange, like the Israelites in the Bible that were having a lot of dreams that were opposite what God was telling them by the Prophets. God told them that THEY were causing themselves to dream those dreams. He warned them to stop telling each other their dreams acting as if the Almighty had shown them something. The Truth about Mystery Babylon has been known since the middle ages. It was described even by Daniel, Jesus and the Apostles. Though America is doing evil and will be punished; come see why it is IMPOSSIBLE that America is the harlot of Babylon.