Friday, July 26, 2013

#IN_OUR_IMAGE: After our likeness

We are weeks away from finishing volume one of our “In our image” audio drama. It has been more than a couple years in research and Production. We have had various pauses as we talked to some Hollywood folk and are determined to have accuracy in doctrine and still entertaining story of why man exist. We have counted on responses from the readers to let us know just how we are doing. Read our article; go to the links and comments are always listened to.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

“#THE CONJURING” An Opinion Preview


If you think you never heard of the work of #demonologists #Ed and #Lorraine #Warren, you are mistaken. Wither or not you follow anything having to do with the paranormal, you have heard something having to do with the hundreds of cases that they have been involved in. Wither you like horror and being frightened or would just like to know more about demons and what they do; this one time Hollywood may have done the right thing and follow the actual outline of what happened is one of the most horrifying cases of demon activity in this country’s history.

Sunday, July 14, 2013


If most folk are like me the earlier the #marriage #supper of the #lamb is the better. If he decided to do it tomorrow over your house I would be excited to attend. However our adversary the devil is walking about trying to find those weak enough to use as he wishes. Inasmuch as many have tried to use the wedding of Christ to make a pre #tribulation #rapture seem possible; and I have said that one of the greatest deceptions would be to get people to believe that they MUST BE IN HEAVEN when the #Antichrist rules. That way as long as they are on earth and believe that doctrine, they blind themselves from seeing antichrist. Let’s look at what Jesus said about the wedding. Remember contrary to popular opinion, Jesus did not tell parables to help people understand, but so he could hide the true meaning to all except those that honestly searched the scriptures.