Monday, October 14, 2013


Why does tyranny often start off calling for change? Linen did it before enslaving Russia to Socialism that lasted 70 years. Hitler called for change. Castro actually called for Hope and Change. Each time, one of the first things they did was seek to get government control of a national health care system as THE FOUNDATION. This is the process that Obama is in the midst of doing, with the intent as Harry Reid admitted of ending up with a totally Socialized system. None of the people in the pass who thought they would end you reaping the labor of others understood the end result of their support. So When Dr Ben Carson who has correctly stated, that what Obama has started is legislation that could cause a tyranny worse than anything since slavery, people freaked out. Yet the last thing this country needed was another person setting a precedent that could place both those whose ancestors were once slaves and those who were not into unseen but a more complete enslavement. Come see what I mean.

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