Wednesday, December 4, 2013


People have wondered over the centuries about the mark of the beast. How it could be implemented. The truth be told there are only a few things needed to give you an overall understanding of how this will work. (1) Who is the beast?  The beast is the 7- headed monstrosity representing 7 revivals of the Roman Empire. There has been 6 revivals already; the last being the Hitler-Mussolini revival. (A). Woman riding the beast and directing it is the Apostate Church. (B) The leader is called the False Prophet. That union has done much evil in the past and is the prime motivation of the USA’s Separation of Church and State. (2) Understand that this beast has always had a mark and it was forcing via persecuting God’s people to break God’s commandments through LAWS. Remember Hobby Lobby and Chick Fil-A?  These are as it were NOTHING compared to what can happen if technology like chips, NSA style complete surveillances, GPS and other methods to identify, track and control the ability of the individual to interplay into the market place. (3) REMEMBER it is the false prophet that gets the world to support world government. We are seeing extraordinary things happening in our country with Obama socialist methods. Now the Pope has come out with a platform that must have Pesident Obama salivating. It would appear that if the world will ever get the USA, which has been in the way, to support what it has clamored for, now is the time. What many want is a united world wide top down, equality bringing Socialist system. One that will look like the City of God to the Pope and an near utopia to Obama. No one will tell you that these things have been tried in the past. They started with what might have been good intentions and ended in real tryanny!

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